
@封柄刚19614434935#   求英语作文一篇1.写青年人将娱乐明星当做崇拜偶像.2.不同的人不同的看法,3.你对此的看法.. - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many middle school students. The public give this phenomenon a name-star worship,which is a vague in the youngster .You will be sur...

@封柄刚19614434935#   一篇名人的人物传记,要求写项羽,600字左右 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] 项羽 (前233~前202) 秦末重要的反秦领袖之一,秦亡后自封西楚霸王.下相(今江苏宿迁西南)人.名籍,字羽.祖父项燕为战国末年楚名将,为秦将王翦所杀;叔父项梁.秦统一后,项梁杀人,与项羽躲避吴中,暗中以兵法组织和训...

@封柄刚19614434935#   一篇关于明星的英语作文 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] 1.Cheng Long is a famous film star in China and in the world.He has been my favourite film star for many years.When I was a teenager ,I often saw some movies about kongfu .Gradually I began to like Cheng Long's movies,especialy I started to like ...

@封柄刚19614434935#   我最喜爱的球星梅西 写一篇英语作文80词 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] Football is my favourite sport,and i like football genius Lionel Messi very much.He is an Argentina football player and show all kinds of skills on the football field.Messi is a foward and he gets a l...

@封柄刚19614434935#   一篇介绍自己最喜欢的明星的英文演讲稿,一定要简单,不要太长 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] I love Tianfuzhen I love she becayfe she verycool verybeautifu veryvigorous,So I love Tianfuzhen! 我爱田馥甄,我爱她是因为她很酷,很美丽,很活泼…… 所以我爱田馥甄!

@封柄刚19614434935#   老师要我们写一篇英语作文!去澳大利亚旅游,认识了一位网球明星,给他写一封信,先表达对他的尊重仰慕他,然后送了一件T恤并和他照了相,最后邀请... - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] when i took my trip to Australia,i knew a tennis star.So i writed a letter for him.First,i expressed my respect to him.Then i sent a T-shirt to him and took a photo with him.To show my appreciatio...

@封柄刚19614434935#   求一篇英语作文.我最喜欢的运动明星我的要写篇英语作文.叫 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol even...

@封柄刚19614434935#   求一篇喜剧演员的英文作文!100字左右,写我最喜欢的喜剧演员 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] 周星驰(Stephen Chow):Hong Kong movie entertainer,collection director,actor,inventor in a body.Is one in the Chinese community most influential comedy movie actor,after 2000 started,even more made own ...

@封柄刚19614434935#   急求一篇描写明星外貌英语作文归求 - 作业帮
#狐软万962:[答案] 周星驰有着黄金比例的脸庞.在那双深邃的眼睛里,时不时的会看到天真、诚实、可爱、单纯.有时唱到深情的歌曲时,也会闪出晶莹的泪光.他那可爱的嘴巴征服了天下红颜的芳心.有时微笑、是可爱在流露.有时哭泣,是在诠释悲痛...
