
@卓勉娄13261552651#   在西方人们为什么要在圣诞节送给人苹果?要英语解释.送苹果有什么意义,送桔子有什么意义.一定要英文解释!英文! - 作业帮
#仲谢茗5123:[答案] It is understood,"the safe fruit" is a color with a bright,like good-looking dress made of imported apples,mostly red delicious... However,Christmas Eve to send peace fruit,this custom is said to be Chinese only.Because Chinese more homophonic,such ...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   因为8与汉语“发”谐音,意味发财 翻译 -
#仲谢茗5123: 因为8与汉语“发”谐音,意味发财 Because 8 with Chinese "hair" homophonic, meaning that a fortune

@卓勉娄13261552651#   , 用英语翻译一下 每年农历九月初九,人们会庆祝重阳节(the Double Ninth Fest -
#仲谢茗5123: The annual Lunar New Year in September, people will celebrate the festival (the Double Ninth Festival). "I Ching" (The Book of Changes) that the number "Nine" is a positive number, so it is also called the chongyang. Climbing is one of the ...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   关于春节的英语故事要带翻译! -
#仲谢茗5123: 关于压岁钱,有一个流传很广的故事.古时候,有一种小妖叫“祟”,大年三十晚上出来用手去摸熟睡着的孩子的头,孩子往往吓得哭起来,接着头疼发热,变成傻子.因此,家家都在这天亮着灯坐着不睡,叫做“守祟”. 有一家夫妻俩老年得...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   用自己的话说说对皇家壳牌的理解英语作文 -
#仲谢茗5123: 荷兰皇家/壳牌集团公司,简称壳牌公司,其组建始于1907年壳牌运输和贸易有限公司与荷兰皇家石油公司股权的合并.此后,该集团逐渐成为世界主要的国际石油公司,业务遍及大约130个国家,合作伙伴非常广泛.它是国际上主要的石油、天...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   我在赶论文..你英语好好哦..可以再帮我翻译一下吗?是字母的就不发烦你写了..拜托.. -
#仲谢茗5123: 1. Homophonic abbreviated method. Which uses one or more letters, numbers, instead of the pronunciation of the word pronunciation, and some abbreviations pronounced the same pronunciation as the original word, such as: U (you you you), IC ...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   英语介绍西方音乐史初高中水平,没有语法错误,词数保持在400词左
#仲谢茗5123: A Brief History of Western MusicWestern music is generally broken down into six ... These were primarily homophonic (simple chordal structure) in nature, contrasting with the ...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   用英文简单介绍一下中国春节的传统习惯. - 作业帮
#仲谢茗5123:[答案] ON划词翻译ON实时翻译 Pay New Year's call Spring Festival,the elders will be prepared gift money given to younger people,said the gift money to suppress the evil spirit,because "age" and "was" homophonic,junior get gift money can spend a ...

@卓勉娄13261552651#   谐音取意法这个标题怎么翻译成英?谐音取意法这个标题怎么翻译成英文
#仲谢茗5123: 谐音取意法这个标题 The title of homophonic selection method 希望以上内容对您有帮助,如果您认可我的回答,请采纳为满意答案 祝您生活愉快

@卓勉娄13261552651#   压岁钱的来历第一段怎么写 -
#仲谢茗5123: 你们一定都很喜欢春节,因为春节大人们会给我们许多压岁钱.今天,我就给大家讲讲压岁钱的来历吧! 在很久很久以前,有一个小妖叫“祟”,它每到大年三十,就作恶多端.当小孩熟睡时,它就去摸小孩子的头,小孩子一开始会哇哇大哭...
