
@娄符阁17076577137#   ground的英语怎么读 -
#季厚伯2995: 一、ground音标英 [graʊnd]、美 [ɡraʊnd]. 二、释义: 1、n.地面,土地;基础;范围;阵地,战场 例句:The ground has thawed. 地面解冻了. 2、vi.搁浅,停飞;着陆 例句:Their ship touched the ground. 他们的船搁浅了. 3、vt.把…放在...

@娄符阁17076577137#   英文 小草的自述 要短的 急急急急急 -
#季厚伯2995: I am a small grass live in the dense forest, Not taller than trees,and not fragrance than flowers in spite of no sunshine,no cloud,and also nobody knows,but,I am grow up day by day delightedly.Because I can see all kinds of insect on the ground or ...

@娄符阁17076577137#   It's late.I must be - --- - now.
#季厚伯2995: off 是离开的意思,be off 是固定搭配,离开的意思.
