
@匡任婵13895869241#   英语 5万元怎么说 -
#须爽奋2112: Five Million Dollars 5万元美金 Five Million RMB 5万元人民币 在美国也可以说 Fifty Thousand Dollars 50个一千也就5万了 就看你想怎么说

@匡任婵13895869241#   五美元买三双 英语 five ( )( )three( ) -
#须爽奋2112: five dollars for three pairs. five US dollars three pairs.

@匡任婵13895869241#   5000美元用英语怎么写 -
#须爽奋2112: 英语是: five thousand US dollars.

@匡任婵13895869241#   “五元一个”用英语怎么说
#须爽奋2112: A five- 请采纳,感谢

@匡任婵13895869241#   5元用英语怎么写 -
#须爽奋2112: five yuan 5美金;five dollars 5英镑:five pounds

@匡任婵13895869241#   一共五元用英语怎么说 -
#须爽奋2112: 一共五元.A total of five dollars. 一共五美元.A total of five yuan. 一共五元.

@匡任婵13895869241#   5元用英语怎么说 -
#须爽奋2112: Five Chinese Yuan.Five dollars.

@匡任婵13895869241#   二十五块五,英语口语怎么说? -
#须爽奋2112: twenty five dollars and five cents

@匡任婵13895869241#   我们以5美元的价格出售很漂亮的鞋子用英语怎么说 -
#须爽奋2112: We sell nice shoes at the price of five dollars. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 请记得采纳,谢谢!!!

@匡任婵13895869241#   He bought three - ---------- - ties for just $ 12. -
#须爽奋2112: Afive-dollar 没有连接号,就是five dollars
