
@蓬皆栏19499668319#   VB6.程序计算S=1+2+3+..+N.(1) 如下程序计算S=1+2+3+..+N.N=_________ - '键盘录入nS=____For i = - __ - To - __ - Step - ___S=____Next Iprint S(2) 如下... - 作业帮
#吕缪蓉4442:[答案] 1、 n=val(inputbox("输入一个值吧")) s=0 for i=1 to n step 1 s=s+i next i print s 2、 n=val(inputbox("请输入值")) s=1 for i=1 to n step 1 s=s*i next i print s

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   step - mom什么意思 - 作业帮
#吕缪蓉4442:[答案] 继母

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   在下面的VBA程序段运行时,内层循环的循环次数是. For m=0 To 7 St...
#吕缪蓉4442:[答案] are 应该是as吧 就我而言,继母就是我的亲妈.

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   请问谁会深度隐藏文件夹? -
#吕缪蓉4442: 用WinRAR打开一个回收站把里面的desktop.ini复制出来接着开始→程序→cmd,进入DOS...

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   用c++语言将十个数排序 -
#吕缪蓉4442: #include "stdio.h"#include "conio.h"int a[1000];int num[1000];int main(void){ int n=10,i,j,k,tmp; for(i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%d", for(i=0;i...

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   帮我找另外几篇英语短文吧 这次100分哦1.开头是I met my step - mom for the first time when I moved to Americd.2.开头是I was in a charity shop looking at the ... - 作业帮
#吕缪蓉4442:[答案] I met my step-mom for the first time when I moved to America.That night before I went to bed she came to my room,.which was the first room I had ever had for my own.She told me she was glad to have me and that she would take good care of me....

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   C语言中,i=3,s=0,s=++i+i++ 求s和i 的详细步骤 -
#吕缪蓉4442: s=8,i=5首先赋值表达式是从左往右计算的,++i即为先将i自加一次,然后更新i的值并用这个值来参与运算,即相当于s=4+i++当运行i++时,由于上部是对i操作的,所以此时i的...

@蓬皆栏19499668319#   编写程序计算 100^3+102^3+104^3+......+200^3 -
#吕缪蓉4442: 用VB语言最简单,可以这样写:Private Sub Form_Click()dim i,s as longFor i = 100 To 200 Step 2s = s + i ^ 3NextPrint sEnd Sub
